The goals of the project
The history of the project
The history of the project
The project realized within programme Sokrates Lingua 1 – Slavic Network – Linguistic and Cultural Integration – is joint work of employees of 6 universities: Uniwersytet Śląski – Katowice, Univerzita Palackého – Olomouc, Univerzita Komenského – Bratislava, Univerza v Ljubljani, Coфийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски” – Сoфия, Martin-Luther-Universität – Halle and radio (Българско Национално радио програма „Христо Ботев“).
The main objective of the project is to:
- encourage recipients from Slavic countries and other European countries to acquaint themselves with Slavic languages (Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Slovenian and Bulgarian);
- show similarities and differences of the presented Slavic languages and cultures.
Place of presentation:
- website presenting paralel comparable module (dialogues, texts), showing linguistic and cultural pecularities of the countries participating in the project
- on the website of the project you can find, among others, the following subjects:
- greetings
- polite expressions
- shopping
- documents
- cookery
- transportation
- post office
- meetings
- hotel
- health...